This Privacy Policy outlines the practices of (Infinity Travels), owned and operated by Infinity Travels (“we,” “us,” or “our”), regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information when you use our website (the “Service”).

We at (Infinity Travels) respect the privacy of all sorts of information provided by our users and strive to ensure that the appropriate protection is provided forall such information.

We are determined to meet, and wherever possible exceed, internationally acceptable standards of privacy and data protection, to comply with the law of confidence and/or as per the needs of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, regardless of which is applicable. In our endeavor to do so, we ensure that our staff comply with the stringent standards of confidentiality and security.

User Information Data:

When you make use of our website, we may urge you to provide us with your Information now and again, which would include but would not be limited to:

  • Your private information like your name, sex, date of birth (DOB), passport details, or any other personally distinguishable number and/or information concerning your status registration with any of our business/company associates.
  • Your contact details like your mobile numbers, email addresses, correspondence addresses, and fax numbers.
  • Your business-related information like name of the company, business title, and contact information of associates (terms & conditions apply)
  • Your travel details like information about flight, cruise, and hotels or personal information of travel companions (if any), contact details of destination, seating and food preferences, hotel, cruise,and flight preferences, and any other information about traveler's specific needs.

Methods of Collecting User Information Data:

The input of numbers and figures for all sorts of calculations

  • Information provided by you in your inquiry forms
  • Messages sent by you on our website
  • Communications are donevia emails and calls between you and (Infinity Travels)
  • We collect Internet Cookies to store your information efficiently.
  • Any other means that provide reasonable access to the products, services, or/and websites of (Infinity Travels) to you now and again.

Purposes behind Collection of Customer Information Data:

  • To compile the basic statistical database of (Infinity Travels) for example, the number of users/browsers, the number of times they visit, gender, and vocation distribution of members and visitors.
  • To fulfill the on-time delivery of services which are demanded by you.
  • To collect your identity documentation for verification purposes.
  • To make it easy for us to substantiate and pursue questions and matters regarding any of your accounts that are registered with us or/and with any of (Infinity Travels) holding companies and associates. To meet this purpose, therefore, you hereby permit us to provide, transfer, and/or divulge all or any of your data to a third party(s) for the settlement and follow-up of the said questions and matters.
  • To enable us to provide you with improved and more customized services, as well as to make it easier for us to develop and promote the business of (Infinity Travels).

Guidelines for divulgence of Customer Information to Third Parties:

The Customer Information gathered by (Infinity Travels), our holding company would be bartered when needed to fulfill any of the aforementioned purposes behind the collection of data and other arrangements and matters that can facilitate the said fulfillment.

When you access any website or activate any link operated by others via (Infinity Travels), any of your Datamade public and/or collected by others because of accessing the said other website will not come under the protection and terms of our Privacy Policy.

We make sure to keep your stored data confidential and secure.

Other Information Collectors

Except if stated otherwise, the terms of this Privacy Policy preside and address only the usage and divulgence of the information that we gather from you.

While we do our best to keep your information protected, (Infinity Travels) cannot give any guarantee when it comes to the security of any sort of information transmitted by you to us, and thus, it's done at your own risk.

You may seek access to your Private Data obtained by us and correct it. If you desire to acquire a copy of your Personal Data, if you think that the Personal Data about you that we gather and maintain is inappropriate, or if you feel that the Personal Data obtained by us is utilized beyond the purpose of usage mentioned above or was possessed using fraudulent or illicit means or transferred to any third party without your permission and consent, feel free to write to us at the address provided below.

Please note that we reserve the right to modify the terms of our Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice, to ensure the continued protection of your informational data.

Rest assured. Your data is secure with (Infinity Travels)!

For further inquiries, please get in touch with our helpline number (844) 933-1926, or email us at our address